There'll be one day where i'll be famous on NG!! ..there 'd be right?..i mean..it has to..please tell me it will...my life cant be that bad..can it?

thannia Blanchet @PinkSkull

Age 34, Female

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Joined on 1/6/06

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PinkSkull's News

Posted by PinkSkull - November 11th, 2008

Yay! I'm updating, just to have something new up, not like i have something cool to say.
Well, as it's seen, i took Tom's advice and put my submissions over the news post. It doesnt look as nice, but I think my submissions are more important that whatever crap i may write in here, and still, the box is so small this one still can be seen.

SO... what I've been up to?
nothing really, real life's been sucking the LIFE out of me.

Well, last month i worked on this experimental thing:

I have no current 'big' awesome projects, i've been thinking of a few stories, but they're still in my head pretty much now, still waiting for something come and boom make me fall in love with one and make me start working innint (translation: artist block).
So my project list goes like this now:
·Finish my part for the Prayer-by disturbed Collab!
·Do sprites for lochie's and me someday-to-be-finished game :)

I'll plug visions again because it took me hell to complete that freaking flash!


And well, my life gets lost (or is consisted of) in school, drawing, bashing twilight, listening to music, rise against has a new album and i want it, sports, flash, watching dr house <3, browsing forums, learning about politics, more school, choosing a university, watching movies, music, drawing, trying to do something good for the world but always end up messing up...

omG finally an update!!

Posted by PinkSkull - August 13th, 2008

I made this a while ago, posting it now cause i plan to continue it..

It wasnt the mess on the room what worried him most, nor the lights reflected on the window, or the cold of steel against his wet fingers. What bothered him the most was why, Why had it had to come to this? How could the events end like this? Why?
He saw the corpse for a last time, even tho he was aware of what he had gotten himself into, at the moment it didnt matter to him, It was as if his body hadnt registered what happend.... To tell the truth, he felt pretty well, he felt a great relief, tranquility he was aware it'll soon leave, but it didnt matter, because at the moment it all was happiness. Beat by beat, with every beat a monster came out, from deep within himself, and left the space alone, empty, after a life in there, to start again, it was a sense of satisfaction, like when after carrying something heavy you finally leave it on the floor. He felt no remorse, no, if he felt it he wouldnt be so calm. What was consciense then, if psicologically he had done correctly, he had vented his feelings? That moral didnt agree was not his problem.
He calmly walked, he must find an exit, since some fool had gone to the police, probably saying he had heard weird noises on the apartment, and the patrols were already at the entrance, five floors below. Of course, if he had been more silent there wouldnt have been trouble so soon, but he was no murderer, didnt plan what happened, and were all those screams what gave him that feel of satisfaction, tho he didnt know if they were from the victim, or from deep beneath himself.
After all this pondering, he walked towards the door, a bit annoyed that someone might be out there, but at opening it and finding noone, relief came back and he went towards the roof, where he looked down towards fool police. With the bit of adrenaline left, he jumped to the next building, where there was an exterior staircase, went down quicly and ran towards the street, where he walked as anybody else. With no remorse.

Keep in ming english isnt my natal language, so it may have grammar errors and stuff... Well, I continued it.. but this is some other character,

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Door. Lamp. Door. Lamp. Door. Turn Right. Noise gets louder. Run faster Jesse, faster. Ok, here you are.. Why is your hand trembling? stop it! right, you can do it, you just need to open the door come on, there it goes, but what's up with you? closing your eyes, what kind of coward are you? open them! Fuck, your stomach will regret this, it wasnt like watching it on a movie..omG, ok its okay to turn around, try to clear the image out of your head...
"HEY! who let the kid in?" -bet it's one of the officers saying that, but right now just try not to vomit, think on something else, hey, the agent was good-looking....."Oh, sorry, you are Jesse right? He was your father..." the female cop says, and rans to hug you like a little kid, stop crying all ready, you are 14, you are on age of dealing with this dont be a pussy, but.. it so hard, it isnt like anybody close to you had died before, it feels so weirds, but theres no point crying now, you werent as close to him anyway. -"Do you want anything to eat? should i call your aunt to take you? your mom already came but she was devastated...."- the female trying to be nice, how cliché, nod gently and try to speak "N..no, thanks" "Hey Leah! take the kid away! we are working on a crime scene right here!" wow, that guy was rude, didnt he saw his dads corpse over there? -"come on Jesse, ill get you something..."

Posted by PinkSkull - August 5th, 2008

Well, Visions has been submitted, in two parts, sad for me. But they say hard work pays off and i think i've learned more about flash in this week of evil exporting :)


SO thanks to Tem's awesome and inspirational pm I manages to get all the scenes in one .fla with relatively little lag. What I did was getting each scene into a movieclip on their own file. Then on the main one import>open from external library, grabbed the movieclip and put it in place. I have 14 scenes in a .fla that weights about 770mb, i just cannot export. Why? flash wants to eat moar memoriee. I'll try on another person's computer and see what happens. Tom hasnt replied to my pm requiesting raising my file size limit yet. So I have plenty of time. He's a busy man, i just wish he doesnt say no...

I'll leave the previous rant just for amusement.
As for the flash itself, Visions is finished, all scenes done, audio synched, everything subtitled, extras written. I just can't paste it all together. I tought it was my non-powerful computer, so I went ot a friends house whose computer has 2gb of ram, they say with more ram there are less lags or something, trust me, i'm a complete no0b when it comes to computers themselves. Well, after trying to put together the 5th scene (there are 14 in total), the computer crashed for the first time since she pimped it. Even trying to copy/paste a single frame it lagged for a lot of time. Dont even think about exporting, it lasted more than half an hour, and i only managed to paste 8 scenes. So I'll have to make what i really wanted to avoid. Submiting it in two parts. I hate those two part submissions, it really cuts the inspiration out of you. It doesnt matter if Tom raises the filesize limit to 513418364mb, it is impossible to me to get the complete swf. It makes me wonder, how do popular artists do it? How did Bitey, which has intense and awesome graphics was done? How does decline of videogaming that is over 15min long was submitted? How are collabs put together? Do they just have bigger, stronger computers? IS THERE SOMETHING IM MISSING? Do i need to know something about computers, about flash, virtual memory, tools, symbols? i dont fucking know. Why is my flash so heavy? Why does it crashes computers? What did I do wrong? It's over 9 minutes long, there are submissions here over 15, it is drawn with the brush tool, a lot of fbf, there are more graphic intensive flashes here as well. So what? is it a lost case? it cant be put in once piece? Maybe i shouldnt copy and paste frames, is there some more sophisticated way i havent hear about? even if i submit it in halves, they both lag and last more that half an hour exporting... I've worked more than a year, just to finish it, i've had all this problems, and it will not even be worth it. I know I'll get a lot of reviews that just say 'loL u no0B do sOme71ng in 3nGlish u SuX lolorofl 0' even if i put that big warning that you'll need to read subtitles, it isnt even a parody that will fall into any category.. what's the point then? Just knowing I finished, i didnt fall into mediocrity procastinating another project, having something half-descent to show in my profile.
I wont give up.
You'll have visions this week.
Even if I have to sumbit the 14scenes separately.

Posted by PinkSkull - July 3rd, 2008


I'm just waiting for Tom to reply since the think is about 11.4mb, and aroud 9 minutes long.
If you know of/are any master of compression, you can make your good deed here :)

On the mean I'll be remaking my site.

Have a nice day :3

Current Projects

Posted by PinkSkull - June 19th, 2008

Well, I had the whole and nice intention to upload Visions (or it's trailer) to the NG Alphas, but I dont know if it's my computer but when i hitted 'submit' it sent me to a blank page in firefox and a 'couldnt load' one in IE. I tried three times and honestly, i have little patience, even copying and pasting my answers is a pain. So my mexican nature to find round-up solutions made me put a link to my trailer here instead :D and just paste my answers if you feel like reading...

Link to Trailer

What is the story behind your latest creation?

A group of students start having some weird 'visions' of random stuff, but if they see what they saw on their vision they die.
You may think they can easily make it by closing their eyes but that may not be the case ;) *hinthint*

Who or what inspired you to begin your production?

It was a dream I had, really, I dreamt I was on school and that people had visions and if they saw what appeared on their vision they died. I woke up when I saw my vision *no point saying what it was*.
First thing I tought after that. 'I should make a flash about it'. So I adapted a story using the basic idea. Even with the letdown of a friend telling me it sounded a lot like final destination (which i hadnt seen then)......

How long have you been working on it, and when do you expect to finish?

Let's see, I had the dream the night of December 25th, 2006, I remember coz it was christmas :).
But I didnt actually start working on it until may (2007) or something, cause it was a pain to actually get the voices. To tell the truth, the recording is far from great, but the acting itself is really nice.
I expect to finish, well, it depends on my artistic humor...

Do you feel that this is better than your previous work? If so, why?

Of course.
It actually has a story, and the animation is far superior.

Do you feel that this is something original? What have you done to make your creation different?

Well, it's really hard to make something original nowadays (especially when you think it hasnt been done and someone then tells you it was D:<), but I know it's different from most stuff here in newgrounds.
First, It doesnt have any cock jokes, doesnt parodie any videogame either, and it doesnt have any adamphillips-like art.
Also, tought now I realize the story it's like all typical 'terror' stories, I tried to break some clichés, making it all on a sunny spring day :)

And a few other stuff....

Oh, and i used the square brush for some stuff.. doest that count? it doesnt make much different but most people use the round brush.

What has given you the most difficulty during the development process of your new creation?

Haha, what not.
First, getting the voices.
Then, well some fbf scenes and what not.
But right now and I think most of all: computer issues :D
A laggy computer that sometimes makes it imposible to draw properly, a laggy computer that has crash and made me lose some files that I now have to redo (D:<) my tablet dying....

Have you learned new techniques from making this, and do you plan to use them in the future?

Well, of course, even if my fbf still looks dirty on some complex stuff, it has improved a lot. I'm not as lazy with backgrounds anymore (tho i still dont like makin'em), well, animation overall.
Not only from making it i've learned, but through observation of other flashes, videos, etc. on how i can improve it or further animations.

Besides Flash, did you pull any other programs into the mix to deliver your desired effect?

Hmmm... In this particular case just audacity, to clean up and cut up my audio ;)

How do you feel this creation will measure up to other submissions on Newgrounds?

I'm not really sure....
Some times I think it'll make good, since it has a full story and it's something a little different.
But others I think It'll just disappear in the portal, submissions in here either for their superior art or random humor, mine has an average art and just a couple of inner jokes, AND people wont like the spanish audio, yes, i'm talking to you 13ihitpubertyandthinkirockmorethanyouO LD.

Any final thoughts or anything else you would like to say?

Anyways I'm finishing it to not let down my friends and myself, to finish all that is started. And it has passed some time to just give up.

Yeah, when you see visions in the portal. (Which can be in a couple of months or a couple of years.. depending on my artistic mood). Give it a try and watch it troughly. You dont have but a couple of minutes to lose, and you're not paying for it. Maybe you'll end up liking it :) or giving me a nice and mature review or how i can improve :D

Thanks for taking the time to read all these :)
Good luck!

And please start telling me all you know about compression, this baby is kinda obesse and needs to lose weight to cross newground's door.

I miss the old, short and simple, html tags..

Posted by PinkSkull - June 16th, 2008

Just taking a bit of dust off my userpage. I hadn't updated in ages -lazy me-, maybe just an edit or two on the 'news'.
I really liked the old banner, it looked all clean and pro, but to be honest i just got sick of the black, changed profile image too, changes sometimes are necesary, you eventually grow sick of the old stuff no matter how cool it is. I opted for some white and bloody red now. I saw this cool black cross on white bg on the church the other day, tought it looked awesome and decided to use it for -something-, added a bit of bloody red since.. well it just looks cool with the combination, and i've been having this afficion to bloody red that comes and goes.
The problem of having a color in your username is that i somehow feels like it'll be the theme of your stuff.. it's like 'pinkskull shall have pink skulls all over the place', but i think that if something is forced it wont come out good, so not a single pink skull around here, neither any dragon, i always feel obliged to add dragons to my stuff since they've been some kind of my signature since..i have use of memory (which isnt saying much since my memory isnt that great..tho i tend to remember stuff i shouldnt). But not any of that stuff now, like i said, i wanted a change, i'm on vacation! so i just throw in simple stuff that comes by heart. You get a banner with a meaningless cross, and some kind of self-potrait.
In case you didnt know i've always had this issue with drawing my self, i just can't. It's kinda hard for me and i've tried a lot lately -to break the barriers, evolve, whatever- but i just dont like it, maybe it's because you dont percieve yourself as other people do (or was it as you percieve other people) well, i had this inspiration rush last night and to not waste it i threw that drawing that at themoment i actually liked and now its my image. I knew i wouldnt be able to do it at some other time so.

Right now my life goes somehow this way:
*play pokemon**msn**flash**browse stuff**repeat*

Did i mentioned my sudden pokemon-retrauma?

Well, about my artistic scene, lochie in some weird way made me notice i'm more than halfway done through visions!!! That makes me feel better.. I'm not that far from finishing!!
I finished another scene a couple of days ago, i'm in the process of putting it together with surrounding scenes, subtitling, and uploading it in DA (just the part, read DA journal for that).

About my comic, it's currently on indefinite pause, i'm more on visons mood lately, and i somewhat got stuck on the story line.. tho i really liked last pages, shame it'd take a long time to actually translate them.. but you can at leat look to my awesome action scene!.

Um.. what else can i say?

Well, here's a little screen on visions:
As you can see the character development shows.... uh whatever.. i actually just show this piece cause it's from the 'new scene' and i like how nick has his mouth twitched.. haha

Unnecesary Update

Posted by PinkSkull - March 26th, 2008

UPDATE! (April8th2008)
I never uploaded any more pages, cause i've been working on visions! yes! my never-to-be-finished-flash is being worked on! I have finished everything i left unfinished and about to start with new scenes... so forget about the comic while i dont have a flash-block! wish me luck!

Page 1: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29731_p1.jpg
Page 2: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29732_p2.jpg
Page 3: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29733_p3.jpg
Page 4: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29734_p4.jpg
Page 5: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29789_p5i.jpg

Remember long ago I said i'd make a comic, and then someone said it'd be cool to make a flash comic?
Well, it doesnt matter if you dont, cause there wont be a flash comic anymore.. Why? coloring and animating the panels is more that just redoing the comic. There's no time.
But in case you're curious about what that so talked comic it's about i've translated it and uploaded it for you, that's how much i love you, so in case you're expecting a nice webcomic, stay out of here, this are scanned images from my notebook updated in imagebay... maybe someday i'll get an account on some fancy and free host (especially free) where I'll upload them all together and write about some background stories that'll help you understand so much better the story but weren't necessary in there.

Labyrinth it the title of the story.... Dont ask, it just sounded cool, maybe because the plot is a whole labyrinth of nonsense or the cities in it have a labyrinthisc pattern.. who knows.. What it is about, well, i haven't figured out a theme that can summarize it accurately, you just read it.
In real life, this is a notebook in which i've been drawing on every page, i'm not a native english speaker so the original one is in spanish. For now, the notebook has 22.5 drawn pages and is somewhere near the middle.

==========Further info=========
Translating the comic is fast, but I wont be translating any more comics unless i have another artist block, since i want to do all i can to visions while i have the mood to.

==========Current projects========
type: flash
start date: last week of 2006
progress: 30%
speed: i color and animate a character daily, and may finish a scene per 2weeks (including subtitles), if all continues as it has been.

type: comic
start date: autumn 2007
progress: N/A
speed: a page per week

Night-Mare's Game Sprites

Posted by PinkSkull - November 14th, 2007

Well, I've practicaly been taking a break the whole year.. or at least for last month, i haven't oppened flash in a lot of time and practically haven't even feel like doing so, what makes me feel better is that of my projects i have indeed worked on my comic, which i wont color anymore, but will translate for you.

Well I'll personally update each of the sections of this post.... later.....
Hope that animatin NightMare's sprites and the accidental deletion of my pokemon game will take me back to action, for now, dont expect much from me.

-love, PinkSkull

I'm making this post to have it as a nice userpage post that summarizes everything about my work, since I haven't been very active and I dont like to have people visit my userpage and see old news. If I progress in anything I'll just edit it.
I had this idea since last christmas o.o but from one reason or another i'm only 30% done. It will be a kinda creepy flash that is about a school in which the students have a vision, and only if they see what they saw in it they die. The audio for now sucks, but it is too late for fixing it, so 25% of the movie's audio will officially suck , it's not a big deal, since the whole voice acting is in spanish. I'll just try to make it a bit better for the scenes I haven't made. Preview.

This is my flash comic, in real life: I've done a lot pages, from which i have most scanned and uploaded in my DA scraps but from which i haven't colored and translated any page. It is about two friends who go to a magic world! whoo! how original! Now really, the story will go wore complex, or maybe kinda weird sometimes than from the cliché it starts with. Actually, even if I'm trying to break up most clichés, there are two that I have no option but to leave, the first being the magic world thingy and the second I'm not telling since it's another important part of the story. Dont worry, there wont be any mystical object that gives infinite power, I hate that kind of things, every character will build or be born with his own power (except for Derek since he got his due to the events in page 4, but still it isnt a magical object). I'm really trying to make it like I would like other stories to be, while trying to keep it original, even tho now that I look back at it it isnt exactly original.

CURRENTLY: Being worked on.

This won't be colored or animated anymore, but will be translated for you all english speakers.

Past Work

Whoah! look at what I found, it isnt my first attemp in flash, but it sure its old, one of the first ones. The art is choppy, but i think i animated pretty well.....
http://www.ngup.net/view/cachete%20del %20mal.swf



-such a perfect collab...

Have a Nice Day
The only finished and my best collab I've been in :)
Boulevard of Broken Hearts
This is the first collab I ever joined! hence why my parts arent my best piece of work, I still like them tho, thanks to a part, I discovered the basics of walking cycles.
I think it died.


I kinda hate this one: first, i just followe the emo-hating bandwagon. Second, the animation sucks, I learned a lot, tho; third, the story resembles a lot a character from my machacaman comic. Still, my most viewed to date.
Pico goes goth
It is just an intro, I really dont have much of a story for it, but since the first Pico day was announced (i didnt have flash then) I had the idea of turning Pico into a goth and I wanted to submit something about it before someone else did it and stole the idea from this.
Harry doesnt die
Now this is something I would show to other people, even tho it is a parody. The last HarryPotter book was about to be realeased adn everybody was wondering what would happen, I tought, how frustratingly lovely it'd be if it ended like this.

Prevoius Experience
This is my pride to date, even tho you'll never read them, since they are in spanish, and if you do you may not fully laugh at them, since they are ful of inner jokes or stuff that doesnt apply to date. They're the best thing I've done. It started as an inner joke, but it went kinda far (11 episodes, 5to9 letter-sized pages each). The characters are most based on my friends, but some are really weird or original (chachete del mal, who wants to be evil but cannot, the guy with boobs, antimachaca, whose evil goal is eliminating all meat from the world).

Pivot animations
My first step into animation wanst flash, it was pivot, actually i learned of flash because i needed more than pivot for all my ideas. Most of the animations were based on friends or inner jokes (too), the animation itself sucked, it was all choppy, and you wouldnt understand them if i weren't next to you explaining. Still, they were my window to the world of animation.

I've also made tons of drawings that you can watch on my DA (previously given), i haven't drawn much lately since I got into flash more, but I will :) I've made more stories/comics and stupid stuff, but they're not important and this record is from 2005+

Non-animated art.


Posted by PinkSkull - November 3rd, 2007

The other day I saw it was 29th and I rememberd the comecarity collabers wanted their collab done by halloween, and my part was the only one missing, so i pulled out all fo my strenght adn started drawing drawing animating animating and.. wow .. did a lot that day, the next day ijust made the backgrounds and sent. Preview. With that i discovered my inner powered and got inspired to continue flashing. I think i finished with my holiday part.. which isnt as good as i would want but i can't think of anything else to add. Preview. And I'm returning t o my visions project :D I wonder how much this lucky time for flash will last. I also started updating my site.. but lost interest and left it halfway, so if you go there it'd be all colorly weird. About my flash comic, i think i've done about 10 pages, i draw a lot at school, but i haven't colored not even page 1, so sorry english speakers, you'll have it someday, it isnt as awesome tho so dont worry.

-HAND >;)

I did a drawing today :)

PinkSkull returns

Posted by PinkSkull - October 9th, 2007

I didnt want to update until i finished my holiday part.. but..

Distractions: I just finished watching DeathNote... i almost cried at the end (i'm a sensible woman).. it was awesome.. awesome.. i also have been playing a lot of resident evil4 lately =D

Its currently paused for indefinite time. I lost interest.

Holiday collab
It's very very close from finished :''(
But i still havent managed to complete it.


I took another part.. error from me.. since i dont have th etime.. but i really want to do it..


Coloring the stupid comic is harder than i tought.. on real life i've drawn a lot of pages (and i have fanart)(ok it was a friend). I'll be updating my freewebs site soon, but it is pointless since you dont know spanish.

thast all for now.. comment!