There'll be one day where i'll be famous on NG!! ..there 'd be right?..i mean..it has to..please tell me it will...my life cant be that bad..can it?

thannia Blanchet @PinkSkull

Age 34, Female

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Visions on USERPAGE alphas

Posted by PinkSkull - June 19th, 2008

Well, I had the whole and nice intention to upload Visions (or it's trailer) to the NG Alphas, but I dont know if it's my computer but when i hitted 'submit' it sent me to a blank page in firefox and a 'couldnt load' one in IE. I tried three times and honestly, i have little patience, even copying and pasting my answers is a pain. So my mexican nature to find round-up solutions made me put a link to my trailer here instead :D and just paste my answers if you feel like reading...

Link to Trailer

What is the story behind your latest creation?

A group of students start having some weird 'visions' of random stuff, but if they see what they saw on their vision they die.
You may think they can easily make it by closing their eyes but that may not be the case ;) *hinthint*

Who or what inspired you to begin your production?

It was a dream I had, really, I dreamt I was on school and that people had visions and if they saw what appeared on their vision they died. I woke up when I saw my vision *no point saying what it was*.
First thing I tought after that. 'I should make a flash about it'. So I adapted a story using the basic idea. Even with the letdown of a friend telling me it sounded a lot like final destination (which i hadnt seen then)......

How long have you been working on it, and when do you expect to finish?

Let's see, I had the dream the night of December 25th, 2006, I remember coz it was christmas :).
But I didnt actually start working on it until may (2007) or something, cause it was a pain to actually get the voices. To tell the truth, the recording is far from great, but the acting itself is really nice.
I expect to finish, well, it depends on my artistic humor...

Do you feel that this is better than your previous work? If so, why?

Of course.
It actually has a story, and the animation is far superior.

Do you feel that this is something original? What have you done to make your creation different?

Well, it's really hard to make something original nowadays (especially when you think it hasnt been done and someone then tells you it was D:<), but I know it's different from most stuff here in newgrounds.
First, It doesnt have any cock jokes, doesnt parodie any videogame either, and it doesnt have any adamphillips-like art.
Also, tought now I realize the story it's like all typical 'terror' stories, I tried to break some clichés, making it all on a sunny spring day :)

And a few other stuff....

Oh, and i used the square brush for some stuff.. doest that count? it doesnt make much different but most people use the round brush.

What has given you the most difficulty during the development process of your new creation?

Haha, what not.
First, getting the voices.
Then, well some fbf scenes and what not.
But right now and I think most of all: computer issues :D
A laggy computer that sometimes makes it imposible to draw properly, a laggy computer that has crash and made me lose some files that I now have to redo (D:<) my tablet dying....

Have you learned new techniques from making this, and do you plan to use them in the future?

Well, of course, even if my fbf still looks dirty on some complex stuff, it has improved a lot. I'm not as lazy with backgrounds anymore (tho i still dont like makin'em), well, animation overall.
Not only from making it i've learned, but through observation of other flashes, videos, etc. on how i can improve it or further animations.

Besides Flash, did you pull any other programs into the mix to deliver your desired effect?

Hmmm... In this particular case just audacity, to clean up and cut up my audio ;)

How do you feel this creation will measure up to other submissions on Newgrounds?

I'm not really sure....
Some times I think it'll make good, since it has a full story and it's something a little different.
But others I think It'll just disappear in the portal, submissions in here either for their superior art or random humor, mine has an average art and just a couple of inner jokes, AND people wont like the spanish audio, yes, i'm talking to you 13ihitpubertyandthinkirockmorethanyouO LD.

Any final thoughts or anything else you would like to say?

Anyways I'm finishing it to not let down my friends and myself, to finish all that is started. And it has passed some time to just give up.

Yeah, when you see visions in the portal. (Which can be in a couple of months or a couple of years.. depending on my artistic mood). Give it a try and watch it troughly. You dont have but a couple of minutes to lose, and you're not paying for it. Maybe you'll end up liking it :) or giving me a nice and mature review or how i can improve :D

Thanks for taking the time to read all these :)
Good luck!

And please start telling me all you know about compression, this baby is kinda obesse and needs to lose weight to cross newground's door.

I miss the old, short and simple, html tags..



Wow, that trailer looks so cool, I can't wait to see the whole thing, even if I don't understand any of it and end up just staring blankly at the screen. :D

Can't wait to see the finished product Punk-Skill (Did I spell it right?) :D

Good luck. <3

Yeah you spelled it raight.
I actually had tought of making an alt with that name long ago, but i decided to wait till i was rich and famous to have some 13yearold do it.

AND, It'll have subtitles!! so you can stare blankly at the background : D