UPDATE! (April8th2008)
I never uploaded any more pages, cause i've been working on visions! yes! my never-to-be-finished-flash is being worked on! I have finished everything i left unfinished and about to start with new scenes... so forget about the comic while i dont have a flash-block! wish me luck!
Page 1: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29731_p1.jpg
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Page 5: http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.ph p?view=29789_p5i.jpg
Remember long ago I said i'd make a comic, and then someone said it'd be cool to make a flash comic?
Well, it doesnt matter if you dont, cause there wont be a flash comic anymore.. Why? coloring and animating the panels is more that just redoing the comic. There's no time.
But in case you're curious about what that so talked comic it's about i've translated it and uploaded it for you, that's how much i love you, so in case you're expecting a nice webcomic, stay out of here, this are scanned images from my notebook updated in imagebay... maybe someday i'll get an account on some fancy and free host (especially free) where I'll upload them all together and write about some background stories that'll help you understand so much better the story but weren't necessary in there.
Labyrinth it the title of the story.... Dont ask, it just sounded cool, maybe because the plot is a whole labyrinth of nonsense or the cities in it have a labyrinthisc pattern.. who knows.. What it is about, well, i haven't figured out a theme that can summarize it accurately, you just read it.
In real life, this is a notebook in which i've been drawing on every page, i'm not a native english speaker so the original one is in spanish. For now, the notebook has 22.5 drawn pages and is somewhere near the middle.
==========Further info=========
Translating the comic is fast, but I wont be translating any more comics unless i have another artist block, since i want to do all i can to visions while i have the mood to.
==========Current projects========
type: flash
start date: last week of 2006
progress: 30%
speed: i color and animate a character daily, and may finish a scene per 2weeks (including subtitles), if all continues as it has been.
type: comic
start date: autumn 2007
progress: N/A
speed: a page per week
Night-Mare's Game Sprites
1: Fleek, you suck balls.
2: PinkSkull <3!
Well, I hope you get your stuff down and get a good score when you submit visions too.