There'll be one day where i'll be famous on NG!! ..there 'd be right?..i mean..it has to..please tell me it will...my life cant be that bad..can it?

thannia Blanchet @PinkSkull

Age 34, Female

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Joined on 1/6/06

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PinkSkull's News

Posted by PinkSkull - September 12th, 2007

Exam week.. that means.. not time to at least browse the web.. i had a little gap right now so i am posting this.. and working on my holiday part.. It is only missing the frame by frame.. which is all part 32.. i already finished 31 and I'm 19 frames and some tweens away from finishing..

If you speak spanish, you can read the original 5 pages of Labyrinth at my scraps in kirehashi.deviantart.com, i'll start to color and animate the english version when i finish the collab part.. or when i get bored of working on it.

I found some old notebooks, and watched my old drawings, its incredible how my art has evolved, i touhgt that my art had only changed according to when i was 13- but i saw some drawings from when i was in 9th grade, and i have improved since then too... drawings i tought were awesome now look like crap to me... nevertheless there are some i made back in 4th grade which i still find awesome..

I was going to say more, but i forgot, anyway, anytime soon i'll post the first 5 pages of my comic, in english, with some animated squares, oh, and colored^^, the forst 10 pages will be just introductory, so dont expect much action, but as the story goes deeper it'll become better, i hope you like it anyway...

Posted by PinkSkull - September 1st, 2007

Para quienes hablen español, las primeras 3 páginas de Labyrinth estan en http://kirehashi.deviantart.com/galler y/scraps/ sin colorear y en español, las versiones coloreadas, en ingles, y con partes ne flash las posteare aqui en cuanto esten listas.
btw, post image changed.

I've been thinking a lot about that story I posted before, it has way changed from what I tought first, but I am liking it. I've been thinking scenes and stuff.. here's something i made out of it.. it may change when i officially do it.. and you may understand it then.
I guess I'll indeed make it a comic, since I want to start it ASAP, maybe It wont look as awesome and i wont be able to ad the action so detailed, but i wont have to worry about distractions or consumed flash time. I also tought of writing it and post liek chapters and make drawings too, but i dont like writing much.. and it wouldnt show what i wanted.

Here's a cut part of it, the newgrounds sizing is too small and the letters arent very legible, so you need to click on the link to read it. (The link thats up^)
Btw, It was meant to be a bigger rant.. but it ended up like this whe i drew it ^^'

Caught in your own mind.

Posted by PinkSkull - August 30th, 2007

This three weeks I have been on school havent been much flash productive, I have barely touched flash since vacations, I have just added backgrounds to my holiday part but it isnt much.. i know i could finish it in one day if i just sat and worked. But I'm not posting to have pity of myself.
Since I spend around 7 hours in school that leaves much time for daydreaming and drawing on my notebook, which means a lot of stupid things have ocurred to me. The sad part is that you cannot do everything you think about, since the most little, effortless and insignificant flash is time consuming as hell.
There have been two things I have thought doing, one is starting a series that I have been perfectionizing since the idea first ocurred to me, I tought of making htem a web-comic, since it is easier and faster, but considering the action in my imagination it is more fit for flash.
The other one is something I have considered along with the idea of the animated toys, It is making a movie that is part flash, I was going to do something like this 2 years ago.. but i didnt have flash and we never recorded, I want to make something like that roger rabbit movie, the problem is that i dont know what it could be about ^^'. Since this is an idea that can be tought by anyone and be done first. I am stating in this post, as with pico goth, that it ocurred to me, so if someone else makes it first, i have this post as a proof that it ocurred to me now, so people cant tell me i copied the other guy or anything.

Umm.. thats all for now :)
Have a nice Daaaaaaaay!!!! >:)

Posted by PinkSkull - August 21st, 2007

Well, I was thinking, because I do think a lot you know, i dont know really where to start and i have written this twice and havent been comfortable with the result.
I have a lot of ideas, really, but most of them die out, mainly because making something average, not even good, in flash, takes a lot of afternoons, and you can only do it while you are on a computer. I used to make a lot of comics (see my site if you speak spanish), and recently i've made short and stupid comics of short ideas.. which is what took me here..
In a year I completed 10 comics (or episodes of a comic), each with 5to8 lettersized pages.
In about the same period of time i have messed around with flash.. getting me to the complete mess up i have on my putfile page + the stuff i have here in newgrounds, the longest one (emotown) could have been no more than 2 pages pinkskull style (with small, irregular squashed squares).
note: first came the year when i made a lot of comics (i used to make less deep comics and pivot.animate before) and then came my flashy year.

The problem with comics is that you cannot add sound, making them either limited or more open to interpretation.. and sometimes i do think of a perfect song that fits the scene but i cant just.. put it. That also means I dont have to worry about voice actors, and really, if i hadnt have to look for voices i would have started vision 4 months earlier. I can work on comics almost everywhere.. but i cannot in flash.. I can detail each square better.. and i finish faster, stopping me from losing inspiration.

I mean, I started visions since may, and i am no way near finishing it, and i know that when i finish it, it wont get any award, because my art isnt exceptional and because the audio is a bit scratchy an din spanish.. and lets accept it, most voters will just zero it because they are lazy to read subtitles.. and it wont get on any collection because it doesnt have an specific theme. But I still want to finish it, fot the holly sake of finishing it!

On the other side, comics have a lower audience, and for some reason i am lazier about coloring static images that an animation.. and i really hate coloring.
You can add sound on flash and really give life to stuff, they are visually more attractive, and you dont have to read.
There are a lot of emotions and stuff you just cant give to a comic.

The question is: Will I continue making flahs after all this pondering? existing the easier and faster way of comics?
Yes. I'll continue to make flash, even if it is tedious and tired, for the holy sake of moving forward and evolving. I may turn into comics any other ideas i have before finishing visions (except one), but only if i have time (that means no collab parts pending), because they still mean coloring=computer time.


If i think about another pro/contra i'll edit and post it.
Have a visions screeny:

Comics vs Flash

Posted by PinkSkull - August 20th, 2007

I was bored. Nothing interesting.
EDIT: I noticed the text isnt legible.. it says 'I cannot just throw away all these paper..it would be anti-ecologic. I need to do somehting usefull with it' and he burns it.. which isnt very ecologic.


Posted by PinkSkull - August 11th, 2007

I hate to have a post on my userpage that was made long ago.. so I'm just making a newer one.. and for it to not be completely useless i'm revealing my flash progress, well not only flash, but all the stuff that involves me working in a computer because a want to. I'm semicopying kuoke^^.

Description:A solo project I am making about some kids being killed.. I had this idea in christmas! but i didnt have the voice actors ready until may.
Progress: 25%
Comment: I work on it, but i only do samll bits, sometimes i open it and lose interest and dont do anything, i really want to finish it soon, my friends are starting to turn annoying, but i have.. distractions.. Anyways I feel more confident now, on the scenes left I am making better backgrounds to compensate the horrible sound and spanish audio, even tho i hate doing backgrounds.. I also started the menu. even tho i dont have anything to link it to... I'm starting ot get desperate.!

Reg Collab
Description:A collab/game made by flash regs, its kinda inactive now.
Comment: Its just a bunch of movieclips I need to finish of MY game before sending it, dELtaluca still needs to decide what he is doing.. i stopped to continue doing it due to inactivity, but it is nice when taking a break from common animation.

Holiday Collab:
Description:Holiday has always been my favorite song and i have always had a pretty cool video of it in may imagination.. the tv one really disapointed me, anyways i dont liek watching music videos, they ruin the charm of the song. Well I really couldnt let pass the oportunity to share my veiw of the song with the world, and less if the collab is leade by SDS-Doggy. A thanks to enquencle from giving me his parts^^.
Comment:What I am doing is pretty basic and not very time consuming, I just need to pull myself into working in it. I'll finish it soon. I already finished part 13 and started 30.

I'm also making a big drawing of a friend's movie "Las guerras de sebastian (spanish spoken)", so it is also time consuming. It doesnt take long to color it but it is still time.. which reminds me tha ti aws going to make a deep post abotu my toughts on time.. later.. when i am inspired.
Any other collab I joined, I have already finished my parts and I'm desperate to see the collab finished (and I'm talking about you, boulevard of broken songs and come clarity.
I wish I hadn't all those distractions, between the forums, and watching videos,.. i dont animate much.. i could make a collab part in a day if i concentrated... and had a tablet.. that works.

Posted by PinkSkull - August 3rd, 2007

Have you ever tried to do anything different with what flash offers?
People do claymations, I'm not very fond of clay... and i dont have a videocamera either.. which makes work hell easier.. but some days ago I saw my little brother's toys and tought "why not putting them in some cool pose and taking a picture.." and then i tought "Why not better taking a lot of pictures and animate them?!" like that kablam short which name i dont remember.. but where toys.. The idea kind of went away... but today i took my camera and a movable toy and tooka few pictures.
My only problem was that my camera had low batery and my room has bad illumination.. so i had ot go out to the heat and was only able to take 5 pics.. but the result was good.. well i like it..
: *waits for it to upload*
http://denvish.net/ulf/030807/61818_ex pm.php
It seems those 5 bitmaps take a lot of file size.. i tried a lot to compress it, i set the jpg quality to 20 and still the filesize of the swf was of 6MG! That took away my dream of making a movie like this.. but still i could take some cool effects.. i can't imagina what kind of stuff i can be able to do..!
I exported it and then reimported it and now the filesize is 1MG!
I remember a tutorial called 'sprite you', it was really creative, and somehow fits on the subject.
I just love my moving bionicle XD

Posted by PinkSkull - July 25th, 2007

So I decided to do this totally random comic because i dont have time to make it a flash.. not that it is worth it, it isn't as cool as my other comics (which you cannot read because they are in spanish) or as solid as anything i've done before... but perhaps you may somehow enjoy it, since i cannot post a lot of large images in here i have cutted it in 5 chapters (then you'll see why the title), full view in case it doesnt show correctly..
Drawn by hand then traced on flash.. it is absolutely random... for some reason the idea seemed better in the morning.. i should not watch the news before going to sleep again..
In case you enjoy it i'll be gone for a week so dont bother looking for updates until then, but i'm not usre if you'll accept it, i dont know what kind of humor newgrounders enjoy...
I was going to say more stuff but i am tired and i forgot... :P

comments? critics?

Comic: Of 1337, emoness and water.

Posted by PinkSkull - July 22nd, 2007

I have always found anti-flag a very cool band, they're music is good, but not the best, but i like there message of protest and how active they somehow seem, even if it is all for selling, i like it. I was on they're website and found this: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/11/24/1442258
I must state that i am not American, never been on a war or anything, and that i hate involving on politics. I'm actually not sure if it is okay to post this, it may not be safe, but i am risking, War is bad kids, and remember: The brave man lives while the coward wants.
That means that people will be able to do bad stuff to you while you let them.

On other news, i just saw Transformes!! It is awesome, i dont know the original story of transformers, but the movie itself is great!

oh and, Don't forget to add 'Harry doesn't die' to the Harry Potter collection, vote 5 and leave i review.

-Love to the world, and money, and food, money to buy food :D .. i love food you know... especially tacos.. yummy..

Posted by PinkSkull - July 20th, 2007

I took a break from my major projects and made something in honor of the seventh harry potter book.. it's an spoof, with the most frustrating ending. Windtunnelarchives provided his awesome voice for it. And it continues after the credits, i'm nopt describing it because i dont one to ruin the charm of it. But if you haven't read the books you may not understand it, so i'll quickly explain some points of it:
· The knight bus is called by lighting you wand, at least i understood that, i tought it was better to have hermione accidentally call him rather than having a bus coming out of nowhere, aww well, random buses are always fun.
· People throw tomatoes at JKRowling because she killed harry.
· According to 'the prophecy' both harry or neville could have been the chose one, but the second line of it made harry the one..
Anyway it is artistically mediocre and short, but it would be a weird and fun end^^

Please submit it to the HarryPotter collection ;)

Hope you enjoy it, have a nice day, anything you need from be dont hesitate to use our awesome pm system.
