Well, I was thinking, because I do think a lot you know, i dont know really where to start and i have written this twice and havent been comfortable with the result.
I have a lot of ideas, really, but most of them die out, mainly because making something average, not even good, in flash, takes a lot of afternoons, and you can only do it while you are on a computer. I used to make a lot of comics (see my site if you speak spanish), and recently i've made short and stupid comics of short ideas.. which is what took me here..
In a year I completed 10 comics (or episodes of a comic), each with 5to8 lettersized pages.
In about the same period of time i have messed around with flash.. getting me to the complete mess up i have on my putfile page + the stuff i have here in newgrounds, the longest one (emotown) could have been no more than 2 pages pinkskull style (with small, irregular squashed squares).
note: first came the year when i made a lot of comics (i used to make less deep comics and pivot.animate before) and then came my flashy year.
The problem with comics is that you cannot add sound, making them either limited or more open to interpretation.. and sometimes i do think of a perfect song that fits the scene but i cant just.. put it. That also means I dont have to worry about voice actors, and really, if i hadnt have to look for voices i would have started vision 4 months earlier. I can work on comics almost everywhere.. but i cannot in flash.. I can detail each square better.. and i finish faster, stopping me from losing inspiration.
I mean, I started visions since may, and i am no way near finishing it, and i know that when i finish it, it wont get any award, because my art isnt exceptional and because the audio is a bit scratchy an din spanish.. and lets accept it, most voters will just zero it because they are lazy to read subtitles.. and it wont get on any collection because it doesnt have an specific theme. But I still want to finish it, fot the holly sake of finishing it!
On the other side, comics have a lower audience, and for some reason i am lazier about coloring static images that an animation.. and i really hate coloring.
You can add sound on flash and really give life to stuff, they are visually more attractive, and you dont have to read.
There are a lot of emotions and stuff you just cant give to a comic.
The question is: Will I continue making flahs after all this pondering? existing the easier and faster way of comics?
Yes. I'll continue to make flash, even if it is tedious and tired, for the holy sake of moving forward and evolving. I may turn into comics any other ideas i have before finishing visions (except one), but only if i have time (that means no collab parts pending), because they still mean coloring=computer time.
If i think about another pro/contra i'll edit and post it.
Have a visions screeny: