Not really since they make videogames and other stuff I love.
But I just realized that Soul Eater and Death Note totally ruined one of my best ideas from childhood.
I hate it when I think I have a great idea then I realize someone already did it, but it's worse when you have keeped this idea since childhood and then realize its imposible to do something original since Japan has already done an anime of everything!
Since I was a little girl a loved to invent characters and their stories, not until now I try to do webcomics and animations, shame I haven't done anything meaningful yet.
When I was thirteen or less judging by the date in this picture I made this skinny elvish dude who had what I tought was a really cool story. He had a curse in which he was only human in the graveyard, anywhere else he was some kind of phantom. I tought this story was really cool and decided to save it for when I was old and could make cartoons (or videogames). But check this out:
He also had the power of Death (or a grim reaper i dont know how you english speaking dudes know it by) and had too take a certain number of souls in order to break the curse. YEAH. JUST LIKE SOUL EATER.
And he didn't want to kill innocent people so he figured out he could use it to kill criminals. SOMEWHAT LIKE DEATH NOTE.
Now I have to think new stories dammit!
Here's a newer picture.
Check out Fobos and Deimos. It's not original but has a cool name!
Haha, I have the exact same dilemma. :c